16 August 2006

Secure in your libido

It seems that researchers from Hamburg-Eppendorf University in Germany have discovered that women lose their libido when they're in a secure relationship.

Apparently, women are randy as anything early in a relationship, in order to cement the bond with the new partner, but there's no need later – unless they're looking at potential new mates.

Blokes, of course, get to be permanently libidinous, regardless of the state of their relationships.

Yet sex is apparently less important to middle-aged British women than to their Continental counterparts.

Has something changed since the latter survey? Has the rest of Europe caught us up (horrible thought)?

Whether it has or not, the result is that I'm wondering which category I'm in.

I'm in early 'middle age', am almost permanently hornier than hell (apart from two days in my cycle, which leave me feeling depressed and not like 'me'), yet I've been in a 'secure' relationship for about 17 years.

Are such surveys merely meant to confuse us and/or render us insecure?

Mind you, research earlier this year ‘discovered’ that the female libido is boosted by coffee.

I don't even drink that much.

Is there something 'wrong' with me? Am I not 'normal'?

It's been asked before, but just what do surveys and research like this achieve?

Someone's looking to make a fast buck out of all this, of course, as an Australian company has created a spray that will increase female libido.

It might have started out as a way of dealing with medically-related loss of libido, but that's how Viagra got going too.

Oh well – who'd want to be 'normal' anyway? ;-)


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