15 October 2006

Blair's Catholic mafia outed at last

Well, it seems that Ruth Kelly has finally shown her true colours.

Who cares about her position as equalities minister, her spiked garter must have been getting particularly tight of late, as she’s now put the brake on further anti-discrimination legislation being implemented.

It appears that Kelly (plus her deputy, the religious Meg Munn, and her boss, the religious Tony Blair) want to allow discrimination – as long as it’s by religious groups, against gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

The legislation would stop religious bodies refusing services to anyone on the grounds of sexuality so, for instance, a religious hotel wouldn’t be able to turn away gay clientele; but Blair’s Catholic mafia are not only worried about that sort of thing, but also that it might mean issues such as ‘faith schools’ (current woolly euphemism for religious schools) not being allowed to block gays and lesbians using their premises on the grounds of sexuality, if they receive public funding.

It’s been said before, but what was going on when Kelly was handed the equalities post? A member of crackpot fringe sub-sect Opus Dei, which (together with the mainstream Catholic church) has extremely negative views on homosexuality, how can she possibly be fully committed to promoting and implementing legislation that’s aimed at ending discrimination against gays, lesbians and bisexuals?

Nietzsche would be rolling in his grave – or perhaps this is inevitable if we’ve ‘killed God’? With the middle religious ground cleared by the advance of secularism, does this mean that the extremists can fill that void?

One thing’s certain – if we think that the only religious nutters are Muslims, then we ignore a serious danger within. Of course, the current trend of making Muslims in general scapegoats for a whole host of problems is the perfect smokescreen to push through an increasingly religious-influenced agenda.

Fundamentalists of any variety, religious or political, are dangerous.

Huge progress has been made in recent years on sexuality equality. Let’s not allow the loons to hold back further progress.


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