17 July 2006

Education, education, education

Browsing on the good old interwebbythingy as one does, it was intriguing to discover the different ideas people have about human erogenous zones.

A poll at mypleasure.com reached the conclusion that the genitals are the largest erogenous zone, whilst something calling itself www.planetdelights.com insisted that it was the skin. In fact, a whole raft of other sites, many of them presenting themselves as expert in the field, claimed this too.

It would be interesting to know, therefore, how they imagine anyone gets aroused from watching a porn movie or thinking about sex.

The brain is the biggest erogenous zone. If that's not interested, it doesn't matter how much you stroke the skin or nibble your partner's ear. Engage the mind and anything else becomes possible.

And a bloody good thing too, especially for all writers of erotica.

Is it the case that the internet is just inherently untrustworthy (apart from this blog, of course), or does this simply show how little most people still understand about sexuality and their own bodies?

A bit of both, probably, but with plenty of the latter.

It's not that long ago that an acquaintance sidled up to yours truly, having stoked up on Dutch courage, and asked whether the fact that he got an erection from having his nipples stroked by his wife meant that he was gay.

Imagine the results if one had felt particularly mischievous that evening!

And a couple of years ago, a survey amongst UK youngsters found that some of them really still do believe that you can't get pregnant the first time – if you do it on top of a telephone directory.

Quite apart from trying to imagine the position required – we clearly need more education! And we need it now!


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